
Archive for September, 2013|Monthly archive page

Countdown to Artomatic

In Uncategorized on September 4, 2013 at 3:24 am


Things are coming together at 115/117 Church Street. Most of the spaces are finished — or close to it. There is still a lot of energy as people scurry around transforming the 27,000+ square-foot behemoth into an arts showcase.

Artomatic will open to the public at 6 p.m. on Wednesday.  About 350 visual artists with a variety of styles and media are exhibiting. There will also be plenty of other activities: swing dance class, drawing from a costumed model, and poetry.  This is a good problem to have: too many interesting things going on at the same time.

On Thursday Griffin Art Center will present a portrait demo featuring Adam Silcott. Poetry will hosted by John Holly.

Then there’s the meet-the artists night on Friday . . .


Beer and wine will only be available  at 117 Church Street. But many of us at 115 will at least be providing snacks. You will find chocolate in room 35 so come see us!

Another treat: Dave Scenna will be taking professional photographs of the artists from 5-9 Friday night. This is a great addition to promo material.

At the Saturday grand opening you can hear The Olney Big Band, Adrienne and the Merrylanders and Blind Man Leading. Signs Point East will be having their CD release party at 10 p.m.

Sunday will feature children’s activities and a painting demonstration.

Make sure to check out the calendar for more fun stuff. Things keep getting added so it’s a good idea to check often.